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Dr.Morrell毕业于加拿大著名的学府UBC生物化学专业和医学院,之后也在MC.GILL大学深化内科专业,并在学习的最后一年在法国里昂担任助教工作。 时至今日,他已投入医美行业25年。
Dr. Ghuman医生于2000年毕业于萨斯喀彻温大学医学系。随后在阿尔伯塔大学完成了家庭医学课程,并在该校获得了 “家庭医学 “研究奖学金。之后在麦克马斯特大学的急诊医学研究获得了急诊医学的奖学金。在这之后,他在家庭医学、运动医学和急救医学领域工作了15年。目前,Dr. Ghuman医生是CAAM的成员,也是一名经过认证的肉毒素注射、填充注射和PRP治疗的认证注射师。他也是UBC医学系的助理临床教授。Dr. Ghuman以丰富的经验和精湛注射技术,可以为您定制最适合您的疗程计划,并满足客人各类无创医美需求。
Dr. Song是加拿大韩裔,毕业于UBC医学院,师承韩国线雕产品研发人Dr. Han Jin Kwon医生。Dr.Song是CAAM成员之一,并在Pacific Training Institute For Facial Aesthetics完成了非手术类面部填充及提升的相关培训,还获得了由全球潮流引领者引领的独家医学继续教育项目并获得IFAAS高级美学科学国际奖学金,得到了专业认证和高度赞许。Dr. Song崇尚与客人协同合作,从而为他们提供最自然的治疗效果,帮助他们增强自信。
Frances毕业于中国中山医科大学,之后在广州中山大学第二附属医院整形外科工作。移民温哥华后,先后拿到了Langara 颁发的医学美容证书,UBC的医院管理硕士学位及LPN护士资格证书。
Angel Dragomir is a compassionate and dedicated registered nurse with twelve years of experience delivering professional medical care. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Langara College and a Certificate in Emergency Nursing Specialty from BCIT. Passionate about continuing education, she went on to complete a certificate in neuromodulator and filler injection through The Botox Course, a nationally recognized Canadian medical aesthetics training program founded by Dr. Andrew Dargie. For over twelve years, Angel worked for Vancouver Coastal Health in critical care, emergency medicine, and perioperative nursing, providing informed care to patients in the operating room undergoing major surgery. Much of her work experience took place in thriving, dynamic environments including Richmond Hospital and the Cambie Surgery Centre. Because of her intuitive care and precise eye for aesthetics, transitioning into the field of medical aesthetics was an obvious and natural choice for Angel. She is delighted to be working with the dynamic medical aesthetics team at Medical Rejuvenation Centre (MRC). Her goal is to help you look and feel your absolute best and she looks forward to connecting with you about your aesthetic dreams.
Dr. Caroline Barclay completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Sheffield before venturing onto Queen Mary University, where she obtained her Masters of Sports and Exercise Medicine. With a passion for sports medicine, she worked as a Team Doctor for the Coventry United Ladies Football Club alongside being a General Practitioner at the Emergency Department at the Sheffield Children’s Hospital and General Practitioner at the Meadowgreen Health Centre in Sheffield. In August 2021, Dr. Barclay relocated from the UK to Canada, where she began working as a Family Doctor on the North Shore. Shortly after making the move, she quickly became interested in medical aesthetics and knew it was time to make a career change. Dr. Barclay obtained a certificate in neuromodulator and filler injections through The Botox Course and The Filler Course, which are nationally recognized Canadian medical aesthetics training programs. She is extremely excited to be a part of the Medical Rejuvenation Centre team, and is looking forward to meeting all our wonderful patients and working with them to achieve great aesthetic goals.
PARIS拥有14年行业从业经验,是美学和医疗美容领域的顶级技术人员之一。她毕业于多米内利欧洲美学学院,并获得国际CIDESCO文凭。在她职业生涯的早期,她曾经开办自己的医美诊所,并在运营之中获得了丰富的行业经验。之后,她心愿将自己所知的医美行业知识分享给更多人并有幸成为医学激光培训公司的一名教育工作者。自2015年以来,PARIS一直是MRC医学美容中心团队的一员。她最喜欢的治疗方法是超声刀、冷冻溶脂和微针疗法,她曾亲自尝试过这些治疗方法并看到了惊人的效果。PARIS还喜欢Di Morelli 系列护肤品中的洁面啫喱、视黄醇精华液和SPF35防晒霜,她每天都使用这些产品作为她皮肤护理程序的一部分。
Aris is a bubbly and friendly physician assistant who loves going above and beyond for her clients. She has been working in the field of medical aesthetics for 2.5 years, with previous work experience as a cosmetic medical aesthetics assistant and office receptionist. She is also multilingual, proudly fluent in Mandarin, Taiwanese and Cantonese. In her spare time, she is a Lego fanatic and loves building classic and limited edition sets. Her favourite skin care product is the delicate Eye Cream from Di Morelli because it is ideal for sensitive skin and she never has a negative reaction to it. She also loves the SPF 35 Sunscreen from Di Morelli because it is so lightweight and it does the job right without leaving a white residue.
DANI是一个友好和充满活力的专业行政人员,在客户服务行业有超过十年的经验。虽然她从事医疗美容领域的工作并不久,但DANI在美容行业有丰富的经验,她是一名合格的美发师,也是Blanche Macdonald的化妆艺术课程的优秀毕业生。在业余时间,她喜欢徒步旅行和各种户外活动。DANI最喜欢Di Morelli的荷荷巴珠去角质磨砂膏,这是她皮肤健康亮丽的秘诀。
Krystyna completed the Licensed Practical Nurse program at Sprott Shaw College in 2011. After graduation, she worked as a nurse at False Creek Surgical Centre where she gained valuable experience in high-quality patient care for the industry. Krystyna has been a part of the team at the Medical Rejuvenation Centre for 10 years and she gracefully takes care of all the daily operations of the clinic as the General Manager. She also attends annual seminars and conferences to keep up to date with the latest injectables and lasers. Her goal is to learn new ways to improve the patient experience and to work together with the staff to offer the best technology and service in our medical aesthetics clinic. Her favourite treatment is Dr. Morrell’s mid-face lift, also known as the signature top model look.
701-1281 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
270-6091 Gilbert Rd, Richmondinfo@mrcbc.ca604.763.7546
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Angel Dragomir is a compassionate and dedicated registered nurse with twelve years of experience delivering professional medical care. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Langara College and a Certificate in Emergency Nursing Specialty from BCIT. Passionate about continuing education, she went on to complete a certificate in neuromodulator and filler injection through The Botox Course, a nationally recognized Canadian medical aesthetics training program founded by Dr. Andrew Dargie. For over twelve years, Angel worked for Vancouver Coastal Health in critical care, emergency medicine, and perioperative nursing, providing informed care to patients in the operating room undergoing major surgery. Much of her work experience took place in thriving, dynamic environments including Richmond Hospital and the Cambie Surgery Centre. Because of her intuitive care and precise eye for aesthetics, transitioning into the field of medical aesthetics was an obvious and natural choice for Angel. She is delighted to be working with the dynamic medical aesthetics team at Medical Rejuvenation Centre (MRC). Her goal is to help you look and feel your absolute best and she looks forward to connecting with you about your aesthetic dreams.