HOME > Facial Reshaping With Fillers
Gently shape and contour your face with zero downtime.
More and more people these days are looking for less invasive solutions to their cosmetic concerns or aesthetic preferences. Many people choose facial reshaping with fillers to enhance their natural facial structure, perhaps creating more lift in their cheekbones, adding more definition to their jawline or simply giving them a more polished and attractive look. Sometimes we are bothered by a particular aspect of our facial structure or a perceived imperfection, and facial reshaping is an easy solution for that too. How exactly does facial reshaping work? Through the strategic placement of dermal fillers, a qualified medical aesthetics professional can gently shape and contour your face, working towards the ideal image you have for yourself. Maybe that means working towards a more symmetrical face or more angular features. Your injector can help you determine the right choice to give you an aesthetic boost without straying too far from your natural structure.
Dermal fillers are an effective treatment option for facial reshaping, offering you temporary but sustainable results. Common treatment areas include the nasolabial lines, marionette lines, smoker lines, chin, jaw, nose or even dermal under eye fillers. But how long do they last? Dermal fillers are a sustainable but temporary solution which naturally dissipates over time. They are also completely natural, despite what first impressions may tell you. The treatment involves hyaluronic acid, which is found naturally in the human body and has the phenomenal ability to retain water up to 1000 times its own molecular weight.
Your face is your calling card in business and life, and facial reshaping can help you achieve your optimal look. Maybe your face is oval, round, square, triangular, rectangular or oblong. Whatever your baseline structure, a medical aesthetics professional can help you alter your outer appearance to better match your inner personality and vibe. Facial reshaping with fillers is not about becoming another person, it is simply about moulding and shaping your natural beauty in a way that feels right for you. You can achieve a particular look that once felt out of reach and unattainable.
701-1281 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
270-6091 Gilbert Rd, Richmondinfo@mrcbc.ca604.763.7546
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