HOME > Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
Rejuvenate and repair your skin from the effects of sun damage and active breakouts.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) treats acne, precancerous sun damage and actinic keratosis. It involves the application of Levulan, a photosensitive agent and exposure to a medical grade light source called BLU-U. Targeted cells become photosensitive and consequently get destroyed when exposed to the BLU-U light. This means abnormal cells can be eliminated, and the appearance of skin blemishes and spots can be minimized.
The Levulan is applied to the treatment area – this has no effect to the skin on its own. The Levulan is absorbed by the targeted cells and will only be converted into a chemical that is sensitive to light when used with the BLU-U light. The BLU-U light will essentially destroy the broken-down cell and bacteria.
While everyone’s skin and treatment plan will be different, it is common to have 1-3 Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) treatments done to see optimum results. Your technician will discuss how many sessions are needed for your particular skin conditions.
Results from Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) should last at least 8-12 months, but it is possible that more skin damage could occur. In this case, some patients may need to return for another treatment to maintain optimum results.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is able to target a multitude of different skin concerns, such as reducing the appearance of freckles or sun spots, lightening hyperpigmentation, remission from acne spots and breakouts, etc. This is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that can rejuvenate skin that has been damaged by acne and sun exposure.
There is no specific preparation needed for this treatment, however your skin will be very sensitive to sunlight afterwards. SPF should be worn for at least 48 hours after the treatment, and patients should not tan before, after, or in-between treatments to avoid the risk of scarring or blistering. Exposure to sunlight in the 48 hours after treatment can cause severe sunburns.
701-1281 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
270-6091 Gilbert Rd, Richmondinfo@mrcbc.ca604.763.7546
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